[Furniccino] 你好眼熟的設計師椅 – 經典款篇

Yes, they are Designer Chairs. Nail their names!



厲害的設計師似乎都有著一把代表著自己的設計師之椅,也就是所謂的Accent Chair。他的存在,給人一種不尋常的感覺,雖然他試圖融入身邊的人事物,但你眼角總會不小心被他的光給閃到這種感覺。



A lot of Designer Chairs are made to be a signature piece, so called the accent chair. The accent chair can be a piece of art. It doesn’t need to be functional. Sometimes, it’s even uncomfortable for people to sit on it. But it’s a statement. A statement to grab your attention.

There are three classics I love the most. I’m sure you’ve seen them somehow, somewhere or sometimes. Be sure to nail their names next time when you see them!!


Tolix Marais A Chair — by Xavier Pauchard, France, 1934


Photo credit : DWR


I want to be the maker of my design.



Photo credit : My Industrial Interior 


Tolix真的算是已經遍滿了全地的設計師椅,而且很多餐廳大概不小心買了盜版也從沒發現其實他本尊是設計師椅來著阿!Tolix可以搭在復古的工業風空間(Vintage / Industrial),換個塗料(powder coat finish),也能馬上巧妙融入一間簡約自然的Cafe中。


Photo credit : Retail Design Blog by artica


Xavier designed and made the Tolix. Well, probably not all of them, but at least the very first prototype or even the actual product. I personally really admire designers who have capabilities to make their own design. That way you have full control of how your design is gonna look like. It is so cool! #2020newyearresolution #beingthemakerofmydesign


Shop at Design Within Reach (美國官方授權專賣,而且至今都還是Made in France喔!) — Price: $192.50 – $275.00


Eames Plastic Side Chair (DSW) — By Charles and Ray Eames, USA, 1950

Eames Molded Plastic Side Chair_06.jpg

Photo credit : Vitra.com


他們的紀錄片:Eames: The Architect & The Painter (2011)

Eames The Architect & The Painter

是個文青們的假掰必備品,推薦給也想成為文青情侶(或是熱愛工業設計、建築和家具)的你們吧!話說,雪莉曾經差一點就成了他們在Cranbrook Academy of Art的小學妹了,但後來卻成了Michael Bay的小學妹,也是不錯榮幸!


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Eames Molded Plastic Side Chair_05

Photo credit : Vitra.com


雪莉最喜歡的一位孩子是DSW:Dining Height Side Chair Wood Base(一定賣弄個全名一下阿!)從椅座(Shell)、椅腳(Wood Dowel Base)、椅腳支架(Base Frame)到平衡腳(Glide)都有各種加工方式(Finish)可以選擇喔!

辦公室家具王者品牌Herman Miller有一個厲害的組合王(Configurator)可以讓你配出自己的專屬情人DSW哦!來玩玩 Herman Miller : configurator to build your own

Eames Molded Plastic Side Chair_00.jpg


Eames Molded Plastic Side Chair_01

Photo credit : DWR

DSW is one of the Eames Plastic Chairs. Charles and Ray Eames created a whole collection of plastic chairs that were originally made out of fiberglass. Back then, that’s the only material which has enough of flexibility to achieve the smooth shell shape.

This is one of the designer chairs that you would like to actually sit on it, and would love to spend an afternoon with.

#eameschairs #desingerchairsthatyoucanactuallysiton


Shop at Herman Miller(美國官方授權專賣), Design Within Reach — Price: $439.00 – $488.00


Y Chair (Wishbone Chair) — by Hans J. Wegner, Denmark, 1944

Y Chair_04.jpg

Photo credit : Danish Design Store

明椅,就是他的中文名字。丹麥設計師,Hans先生在欣賞某幅商人畫像時,深深地被他坐的那張明朝太師椅所吸引,進而創作出了Y Chair。

身為櫥櫃匠人的Hans,從School of Arts and Crafts in Copenhagen畢業後,就用自己的雙手造出了這張他朝思暮想的明椅。故事性太強了吧!This makes me want to be the maker of my design so bad!!!

明椅的椅背藏著一個像是英文字母Y的元素,這個形狀剛好和鳥類的Wishbone不謀而合,所以又稱為Wishbone Chair。不知道是什麼形狀的人,今年感恩節記得吃一隻火雞就會知道了哦!

Y Chair_02

Photo credit : DWR

Y Chair是雪莉極少數在懵懂的大學屁孩時期就認識的設計師椅子,而且也算是那個時期台灣餐廳界的寵兒。如果你在台灣,一定要去森 / CASA (敦南誠品)看看他本尊阿!雪莉在LA其實比較少見到Y Chair本人,但是在各個室內風格雜誌、網頁裡,還是常常會嶄露頭角的。


Y Chair_01

Photo credit : DWR

I want to say Y Chair is a perfect mix of Eastern and Western spirit.

Hans, a Danish designer hand crafted this masterpiece by his own hand. This is another designer chair which has tons of replicas around the world. However, Carl Hansen & Søn produces the authentic Y Chairs, and they are made in Denmark. #classicdesignerchair #beingthemakerofmydesignoneday

Shop at Danish Design Store, Design Within Reach — Price: $595.00 – $1095.00



Tolix / 法式 / 全金屬工業椅


DSW / 美式 / 塑料木結構現代椅


Y Chair / 北歐式 / 木製藤編中西混血椅

Y chair_illu_01





  1. #1 & 2真的很常看到!(雖然大概都是仿的…)
    設計師傢俱大心~~~ 可是真的買不下手呀… (所以大概還是只能買仿的?)(哭哭)


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